Sermon – The Planting of the Lord – Part 1- Repentance and the Child of God


Sermon – The Planting of the Lord – Part 1
Repentance and the Child of God

This is a New Series for God’s Remnant People with a Worship Session

Are you hungry for God? Do you need a touch from Jesus?

Are you lonely? Hurting? Do you want to get closer to Him and know Him better in this late hour?

Are you hungry for old fashioned worship?

This new sermon series is for you. It will feature a refreshing message for those who are struggling, hungry and need a touch from Jesus.

This message will bless those of you that need these things. It has been design for the shut in Christian who may be in the wilderness and alone.

A SPECIAL TREAT – A session of old fashioned Holy Spirit worship recorded for you.

The worship session in the end has been recorded to bless you. It features the Watchman’s Cry Band and Family worshiping. The future messages in this series will also include more worship sessions to bless the remnant.


Download the Audio by right clicking this link to save to you PC.

or listen on the player below.


In His Service,

Nathan Leal
Watchman’s Cry